Daily Archives: 01/10/2013

Technical Review to our persistent sinkhole problems

The Engineering Department (Kejuruteraan) of MPSepang is having a technical review on the progress of IWK sewer line rectification work followed by YDP instruction to get it done  by this September. However the scope of rectification work is extended to cover a larger area for new sinkholes which including further variation order from IWK and MPSepang.

I was invited to the site briefing by the Pengarah kejuruteraan  Puan Nurulbaiti Binti Zainuldin and Assistant Engineer En Hairil of MPSepang together with IWK Engineer. Once a new work order is issued, the balance works is expected to be completed in next couple of months.


Engineers from IWK, MPSepang and RA Chairman are inspecting the sinkhole near our guard house


Further discussion about the sinkhole rectification work at our guard house