Monthly Archives: June 2017

Parking Rules and Regulations

Parking near junctions (Rule 243) being one piece of advice stating: ‘DO NOT stop or park opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space’. Almost all of us have parked within 10 metres of a junction at some point and as can be seen by observing car parking habits around us, many people park too close on a daily basis. parking-too-close-to-junction

So why is it illegal to park close to a junction?

As seen in the image to the right, the yellow vehicle is attempting to turn right out of the junction. The green car is obscured from the yellow cars view by the two vehicles that are parked too close to the junction. The red shaded area illustrates the drivers view of the road, by which time they are some distance into the road.

Other instances where it can prove dangerous to park close to a junction are for pedestrians crossing the road. Junctions are typically crossing areas for pedestrians. Children, wheelchair users and the elderly are particularly vulnerable when attempting to cross due to vehicles being obscured that may be turning into the junction. You must also consider unhindered access for the emergency services.

Other potential issues to consider are located at small and narrow residential streets where larger vehicles need access for deliveries. It’s not uncommon for vehicle owners to discover damage on a corner of their vehicle that’s parked close to a junction, often due to a larger vehicle having inadequate space to manoeuvre

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Due to excessive vegetation in the corner sight triangle, drivers are not able to see traffic approaching from the left in time to enter or cross the intersection safely.





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