Monthly Archives: August 2014

Taman Putra Prima Community Hall is calling for tender now

The dream of getting a community hall for Taman Putra Prima residents is soon to be materialized following the tender has been called by MPSepang.

The township of Taman Putra Prima which began its development some 15 years ago has over 3000 unit of residential houses and shops is still lacking of the most basic amenities such school, post office, petrol kiosk, bank, community hall etc.

Residents are getting impatient finally found the opportunity to voice out their concerns or grievances  face to face to many heads of various department (Pengarah jabatan) from MPSepang. Thanks at a town-hall meeting organized by Sepang municipal councillor Mr Pulanthran who is also the Chairman of the JPP (Jawatan-Kuasa Perunding Penduduk) for the region of Taman Mas & Taman Putra Prima in response to the request by the Gabungan AGM Memorandum presented to him earlier (see exihbit below)

For more story and  detail coverage of the town hall meeting please read our earlier post at

tender community hall

Majlis tender advertisement

Star news paper

Mr Kong was asking for a community hall to be built at Taman Putra Prima during a Town Hall meeting

Letter to Pulanthran 001_001 (2)

Petition letter to Ahli Majlis after Gabungan AGM on 7/7/2013