Daily Archives: 08/02/2013

Happy Chinese New Year 恭贺新禧


Dear All Our Friendly Residents of Taman Putra Prima 8A

The RA wishing you all have a wonderful festive season. As many of you may be leaving home to visit your relatives, balik kampong or some may take this opportunity for an oversea tour.

Kindly be advised please don’t compromise our home security and please update your phone number to the RA or security guard in case of need.

It has been also our tradition to give away angpows and biscuit to our guards who help to safe guard and look after our Taman for the entire year. Further more their contract with us is without provision for public holiday extra pay. Hopefully your generousity may help to alleviate their little income for a more prosperous new year.

Persatuan Prnduduk JPP2



谨此恭祝大家过一个美好和平安的新年佳节, 大家也趁这个长假回乡探亲或出国旅游. 但千万不能忽略了住宅的治安. 如有外出请更新你的联系电话号码于保安亭或居协会, 以备必要.

